I seem to be as busy as ever so this is the quickest of blogging updates; normal service should resume soon! Quite a few things have been demanding my time over the last couple of weeks. All pretty positive but have all combined to distract me away from the keyboard. Broadly, they are: Continue reading “The quickest of blogging updates”
Category: family life
The case for early retirement
I thought it might be useful to outline, as I see it, the case for early retirement . This is partly on the back of conversations which I’ve had from curious friends, through to justifying it for myself. Continue reading “The case for early retirement”
Just a jar of jam?
Just because we are now on FIRE (Financially Independent, Retired Early) this does not mean we are too proud or flashy to live in a modest way. Continue reading “Just a jar of jam?”
First week of retirement
For me it is hard to believe I have been retired for a week now. I keep thinking of this as a spot of annual leave before heading back to work on Monday. Having said that, it is sinking in a little more now and I thought it was time to reflect on the first week of retirement. Continue reading “First week of retirement”
Am I retired or on holiday?
This weekend has been a bit weird and I just wanted to capture a few thoughts while it’s on my mind. I have a few questions on my mind: am I retired or on holiday? How am I meant to feel? Continue reading “Am I retired or on holiday?”
Tender family times
Aside from the hassles of work, I should not fail to record some tender family times. Family life has been a delight lately and I want to savour these important times. Continue reading “Tender family times”
Mid summer run
Whenever I can, I like to mark the longest day in some way. This year I got up at 3:00am and went for a mid summer run – it was amazing! Continue reading “Mid summer run”