Weekly update – more gallivanting

North Devon sunset
North Devon sunset

My weekly update has been delayed because even more gallivanting around. So much to blog about but also so much is fading away already and becoming memories like sand running through the fingers of my hand.  So, while some things are still fairly fresh, here goes…. Continue reading “Weekly update – more gallivanting”

Weekly update and why my consultant says “it’s bollocks!”

Quite a nice week.  Signs of returning to normal, tender times with my mother and a colourful chat with my kidney consultant.  Find out what he’s been saying on Saturday…. Continue reading “Weekly update and why my consultant says “it’s bollocks!””

Weekly update and how we can never keep up with the neighbours

Honda Jazz 2003
Honda Jazz 2003

Just as well this isn’t a race because we would be in last place at the very start.  We wouldn’t stand a chance keeping up with the neighbours, unless it was about eccentricities and then the Quirky Museum would be a winner. Continue reading “Weekly update and how we can never keep up with the neighbours”

Why am I always feeling cold?

Screenshot of netdoctor website

Regular readers will know I’m often bleating about feeling cold.  My family and friends certainly know it and our gas bill brings more evidence.  Often I have wondered why and recently, courtesy of Twitter, I came across this article which is worth a mention. Continue reading “Why am I always feeling cold?”