Never regret going for a run

Yesterday I went for a nice 4.6 mile run.  Loved it!  Some of the time I was on a kind of autopilot, reflecting on some runs I’ve had in the past.  Some I remember well and I realised how I have never, ever regretted going for a run.  Sometimes I end up having snot all over my face, or mud, or both.  Other features include: Continue reading “Never regret going for a run”

Weekly update – all change for our daughters

Our garden and the changing seasons
Our garden and the changing seasons

I am going to try and get into the habit of doing a weekly update of things.  This will be as a minimum in terms of blogging and I will undoubtedly / hopefully / optimistically be blogging about other things in between.  And so in kicking off my  very first weekly update – all change for our daughters. Continue reading “Weekly update – all change for our daughters”