My first commission

My first commission
My first commission

Today I took my car down to the local Honda dealer, all very hum-drum and involved a new airbag (a recall, not an accident) and an air conditioning service.  While this was being done I went to see Ian M who I have become friendly with over the last few years.  When I worked for Probation I got to know him and came to like him a lot.  Over the years he has hired me a few times regarding the training of interpreters. Continue reading “My first commission”

Should Christians be tolerant?

This is all about whether Christians should be tolerant towards each other and to others.  Recently I was walking back from town and I bumped into a couple of fellow church members.  I unplugged by earbuds and we said “hi” to each other and then a short but interesting conversation started…. Continue reading “Should Christians be tolerant?”