Life with our Ukrainians is going well on the surface. We are now 7 months into this arrangement and time, once again, to jot down a few notes. Continue reading “Life with our Ukrainians”
Moving through life's seasons
Life with our Ukrainians is going well on the surface. We are now 7 months into this arrangement and time, once again, to jot down a few notes. Continue reading “Life with our Ukrainians”
Was this a perfect week? Maybe, maybe not. Pretty darn good though. Continue reading “Weekly update – was this a perfect week?”
“So what’s life like with your refugees?” has been asked by a number of friends. We are now 10 days in and here’s a little summary. Continue reading “Weekly update – life with our refugees”
It does feel like an own goal, a self inflicted period of bedlam and yet that’s simply the way it has happened. Moreover it is life, an enjoyable and rewarding life which has just become more complicated and has revved up our gentle life of retirement. What am I talking about? House renovations and refugees. Continue reading “Weekly update – life!”
Looking back at 2022 is a little tricky as there have been a few lows. Thankfully there have been more highs. Here goes…. Continue reading “Looking back at 2022”
A lovely week and one where I’m beginning to think being a nerd sounds so attractive. Would be, if I were a nerd. In other news, those creepy mannequins have been giving me even more creepy moments and I’m feeling slightly nervous about my debut as the chair of a local charity. I’ve also been running on my own. Continue reading “Weekly update – being a nerd sounds so nice”
Things are hotting up here in the Quirky Museum in more ways than one. I am being “head hunted”, did some training, had some physio and we are scavengers once again! Continue reading “Weekly update – hotting up”