The broken driveshaft, why I’m buying TWO tow ropes and the scary drive

My 13 year old Toyota Avensis
My 13 year old Toyota Avensis

The broken driveshaft, why I’m buying TWO tow ropes and the scary drive – perhaps not the snappiest title but please let me tell you the story. Continue reading “The broken driveshaft, why I’m buying TWO tow ropes and the scary drive”

Weekly update – “I missed your blog”

Percy Baden Hook“I missed your blog!” said Anthony.  I quickly explained we have had my mother come to stay for a few days and being the dutiful son, I had neglected my blog.  Rest assured, we still have a few things going on.

Continue reading “Weekly update – “I missed your blog””

A gardening update

Timber for my next project
Timber for my next project

I haven’t blogged lately.  Everything is okay.  It’s not that there haven’t been things to talk about, it’s just that I’ve been a bit busy lately.  Although this is a gardening update, in my mind I have a post brewing about why Boris Johnson is unfit to become Prime Minister. Regardless of that, back to the garden update…. Continue reading “A gardening update”