Yesterday I had my appointment with the NHS dietician, who actually turned out to be very good. Certainly better than the picture portrayed by the maverick kidney consultant, mentioned in a previous post. I met the dainty dietician at a health centre in Luton and this is roughly how it went…. Continue reading “The dainty dietician”
Category: health
This week’s runs
This week’s runs have been quite hard, but rewarding. Now these health issues are being resolved I am hopefully bouncing back more!!! The running is a modest start and in numbers:
Number of runs: 4
Total miles: 16.5
Minutes/mile: 9.34, 9.20, 8.59 and 8.43 Continue reading “This week’s runs”
The maverick consultant
Last week I had my 3 month check with the kidney specialists in my local hospital. He was quite a surprise for me in being so suave, dashing and definitely the maverick consultant. Quite entertaining really. Continue reading “The maverick consultant”
A close shave with the hygienist
Earlier today I had my regular scale and polish which turned out to be a close shave with the hygienist. I have this done every six months at the advice of my very nice and very expensive dentist. She says that no matter how well you brush or floss, you can’t get rid of all the plaque. Half way round something unexpected happened….. Continue reading “A close shave with the hygienist”
Post HoLEP operation – how am I doing?
Post HoLEP operation – how am I doing? Mixed bag in answering the question. It is 9 days since I had my HoLEP operation.
They weren’t kidding when they said this was major surgery and I could have a month off work (if I were working). I completely underestimated what it would be like. In my mind, I thought I could take it easy for a few days and then I’d be back on my bike, running and everything else. No way! Continue reading “Post HoLEP operation – how am I doing?”
My trial without catheter
This is another “for the record” post and can be skipped by friends, especially squeamish friends. Following my HoLEP operation on Tuesday, today was an opportunity for my trial without catheter (TWOC), as the jargon goes. Continue reading “My trial without catheter”
My holmium laser enucleation of the prostate (HoLEP) experience
Thought it might be helpful for some men out there to know about my holmium laser enucleation of the prostate (HoLEP) experience. There is little on the web of the patient’s experience, just medical leaflets which although helpful, lack the personal experience. Apologies to my friends and regular blog readers, maybe skip this post completely unless you’re particularly interested. Continue reading “My holmium laser enucleation of the prostate (HoLEP) experience”