Weekly update – stocking up and being radical

This week we’ve been to Tesco, plus home deliveries from Morrison’s and Asda, tell you why in a minute.  Visited a friend and things took an unexpected and I might be turning into a radical youth group leader.
Continue reading “Weekly update – stocking up and being radical”

Weekly update – more like three weeks!

Extra birthday meal, photography by my mother
Extra birthday meal, photography by my mother

I am so sorry I haven’t blogged for three weeks, which I will address right now.  Still, there’s plenty going on.  Rather than keep you reading for two hours, here’s just a few highlights. Continue reading “Weekly update – more like three weeks!”

Weekly update – our mixed up church life

I know, I know, I’m so late with my weekly update.  I am sitting in the back of our car while Rachel is bombing down the motorway as we return my mum after her little break with us.  Also I find myself reflecting on our current mixed up church life. Continue reading “Weekly update – our mixed up church life”