Talking money and marriage

Talking money and marriage Here we are as a family, walking along the beautiful Newborough Beach on Anglesey, North Wales. Lately Rachel and I have been reflecting over how we operate with our money and how we have managed 22 years without any disagreements over our finances.  We have pondered this, wondering how we have managed to get this mostly right all this time.  Here’s a few thoughts…. Continue reading “Talking money and marriage”

Tale of the monkey puzzle investment

Tale of the monkey puzzle investment
Tale of the monkey puzzle investment

The tale of the Monkey Puzzle investment. In our front garden we have a Money Puzzle tree.  We think it is about 40 years old and about 20 feet tall.  We love it!   The tree is quite a feature in our front garden and when we give someone directions to our house, we often say “look out for the monkey puzzle tree on the left”. Continue reading “Tale of the monkey puzzle investment”

Why financial planning is important

Thought it might be worth sharing a few points here about why financial planning is important as we approach some major changes.  The changes (i.e. my escape plan) are the culmination of plans made many years ago and are now coming into effect, albeit a little sooner than we had anticipated. Having a few long term goals is a good thing to do, although at times it can become very easy to simply drift through life in a haphazard way. Continue reading “Why financial planning is important”