There is just 5 hours to go until tomorrow, 26 July, which is my last day at work and the start of early retirement. Or to put it more succinctly I’ll be on FIRE – Financially Independent Retired Early. Continue reading “5 hours to go”
Moving through life's seasons
There is just 5 hours to go until tomorrow, 26 July, which is my last day at work and the start of early retirement. Or to put it more succinctly I’ll be on FIRE – Financially Independent Retired Early. Continue reading “5 hours to go”
I know the thought of exercising with a catheter is a pretty weird, unappealing and obscure topic but definitely worth mentioning at this stage. Sorry if you’re one of my friends catching up with me! Continue reading “Exercising with a catheter”
Whenever I can, I like to mark the longest day in some way. This year I got up at 3:00am and went for a mid summer run – it was amazing! Continue reading “Mid summer run”
Half full, or half empty? Quite a few times recently I have been referred to as a “half full” person and I think that’s something I can take as a complement. While being optimistic and hopeful, I believe this has some real tangible benefits which might be worth outlining. Continue reading “Half full, or half empty?”
The withdrawal symptoms can be quite profound. Naturally I’m talking about the withdrawal symptoms from running. Yesterday I found myself running again – after 3 weeks. Yes, three whole weeks. Three whole weeks. That is longer than I have ever been without running in the last 10 plus years, since I became a proper runner. Continue reading “Running again – after 3 weeks”