New York City conversations – Michelle the Uber driver

Me, ready for an American Parkrun
Me, ready for an American Parkrun

My next New York City conversation was with Michelle, the Uber driver.  In fact she wasn’t in NYC but instead New Jersey.  This is the thing about meeting strangers, you never quite know how a conversation will go. Continue reading “New York City conversations – Michelle the Uber driver”

Weekly update – when little jobs grow

Note the damp patch on the wall

Can you think of a time when you’ve started a really straightforward, simple task, and then it grew and grew?  That’s exactly what’s happened this week.  Add into the mix a humdinger of a cold and you get a picture of the week I’ve had. Continue reading “Weekly update – when little jobs grow”

Weekly update – more like three weeks!

Extra birthday meal, photography by my mother
Extra birthday meal, photography by my mother

I am so sorry I haven’t blogged for three weeks, which I will address right now.  Still, there’s plenty going on.  Rather than keep you reading for two hours, here’s just a few highlights. Continue reading “Weekly update – more like three weeks!”

Weekly update – our mixed up church life

I know, I know, I’m so late with my weekly update.  I am sitting in the back of our car while Rachel is bombing down the motorway as we return my mum after her little break with us.  Also I find myself reflecting on our current mixed up church life. Continue reading “Weekly update – our mixed up church life”