Weekly update – things have slipped

Things have slipped, can’t believe how long it is since my last blog post.  However things are trundling along and I’m looking forward to Christmas, just like a little school kid.  Even more so is looking forward to the new year. For now, these are a few jottings to cover the last few weeks. Continue reading “Weekly update – things have slipped”

Weekly update – when Rachel’s eyebrows going up

Cobnor Point
Cobnor Point in November

In my weekly update this time, I need to tell you about Rachel’s eyebrows going up – in other words we have been discussing the latest colour scheme.  We have also been to see Hannah and I’m still plodding on with the Quirky Museum. Continue reading “Weekly update – when Rachel’s eyebrows going up”

Weekly update – our mixed up church life

I know, I know, I’m so late with my weekly update.  I am sitting in the back of our car while Rachel is bombing down the motorway as we return my mum after her little break with us.  Also I find myself reflecting on our current mixed up church life. Continue reading “Weekly update – our mixed up church life”