New heating!

New snazzy combo boiler in the garage
New snazzy combo boiler going in the garage

I am simply so excited that we have a new central heating in time for the winter.  Last winter I struggled with the cold and I was worried about the cost of keeping the old system going, so this has been a brilliant step forward here at the Quirky Museum.  Needless to say, it wasn’t straight forward, nothing ever is these days. Continue reading “New heating!”

Our fascinating Bedfordshire bricks

We think these Bedfordshire bricks were laid c1650
We think these Bedfordshire bricks were laid c1650

Here in at the Quirky Museum I have been taking more notice – and appreciating – our Bedfordshire bricks.  You can see from the photographs below, there is quite a variety and I confess to knowing little about the world of bricks.  That might change before too long as it seems fascinating. Continue reading “Our fascinating Bedfordshire bricks”