Probably an unexpected title for this post but I am indeed enjoying this crap weather. Not so much the weather but life in general! This week I’ve had two kidney scans, four runs, been to a charity team meeting, an art group and some socialising. Continue reading “Weekly update – even enjoying the crap weather”
Category: Weekly update
Weekly update – “I missed your blog”
“I missed your blog!” said Anthony. I quickly explained we have had my mother come to stay for a few days and being the dutiful son, I had neglected my blog. Rest assured, we still have a few things going on.
Weekly update – needing to balance my time
In my weekly update, I want to reflect on how I use and balance my time. Just because I’m retired it doesn’t mean I can completely drop my guard on this. Continue reading “Weekly update – needing to balance my time”
Weekly update – sticky moments
In this weekly update are a few sticky moments as I navigate my way around our kitchen, aided by Delia Smith and the wonderful BBC Good Food website. The week also included some nice runs, entertaining friends, t’was also the week that Brexit came and went. Finally my friend Brian has sadly passed away.
Weekly update – from Urology
I bet you’re intrigued at the title of this weekly update – from Urology. Well, I had a 6 month check up at the Urology Department in the hospital, to make sure the plumbing is all ticketety-boo. I think it’s as good as it is going to get but time will tell. Continue reading “Weekly update – from Urology”
Weekly update – busy!
I like being busy. None of us know how long we have left and so I like to make sure each day counts for something (although lately I don’t always succeed). I am hoping for another 40 years but we never truly know and that’s why it’s important to do the best we can in life, making the most of the ‘here and now’. Continue reading “Weekly update – busy!”
Weekly update – changing seasons
In reflecting on life at the moment for my weekly update, there does seem to be a sense of changing seasons, in more ways than one. Continue reading “Weekly update – changing seasons”