In this weekly update there are all kinds of things I could tell you about but the highlight is a visit from my friend Dee, who has come to stay for the weekend. Continue reading “Weekly update – with an old friend”
Moving through life's seasons
In this weekly update there are all kinds of things I could tell you about but the highlight is a visit from my friend Dee, who has come to stay for the weekend. Continue reading “Weekly update – with an old friend”
Apologies for my weekly update being a little late, can’t believe how fast time flies these days. Last week was a busy week but also one of those weeks where there wasn’t so much to show for it. Just a few points to share…. Continue reading “Weekly update – running late”
My weekly update includes back to being arty – and I can tell you it feels good! Also we paid a visit to our newly married daughter and her husband , plus our younger daughter returned to college. Continue reading “Weekly update – back to being arty”
This has been quite a varied week with some real crime busting (yes, really), a trip to London and a little camping trip. Things don’t always go to plan everyday…. Continue reading “Weekly update – never a dull moment”
My second weekly update – the honeymoon is over for newly married Becky and David. First of all, I am feeling very chuffed I have remembered to do this update and also managed to squeeze a couple of other posts in! Here goes with my update: Continue reading “Weekly update – the honeymoon is over”
I am going to try and get into the habit of doing a weekly update of things. This will be as a minimum in terms of blogging and I will undoubtedly / hopefully / optimistically be blogging about other things in between. And so in kicking off my very first weekly update – all change for our daughters. Continue reading “Weekly update – all change for our daughters”