A few days ago I realised it was exactly 42 years since I passed my driving test, some say the roads have never been the same since. Here are the cars, mishaps and highlights of my motoring. Continue reading “My cars, miles and mishaps in numbers”
Weekly update – [knitting] needles at dawn
Somewhat bizarrely, I need to tell you about knitting needles, some wool, a feisty ladies committee and the tick-tick-tick which seems to have suddenly invaded my life. Also my Toddington People project progresses. Continue reading “Weekly update – [knitting] needles at dawn”
Weekly update – entertaining the solar panel salesman
In my weekly update, I need to tell you about an anniversary and also how we entertained the solar energy salesman. Reminds me of buying double glazing many years ago. Continue reading “Weekly update – entertaining the solar panel salesman”
Toddington People project
I promised to tell you about my Toddington People project. Thinking I have got off to a reasonably good start, it has been enjoyable so far but not without a little bumpy patch. Continue reading “Toddington People project”
Weekly update – hotting up
Things are hotting up here in the Quirky Museum in more ways than one. I am being “head hunted”, did some training, had some physio and we are scavengers once again! Continue reading “Weekly update – hotting up”
Time to reconsider solar energy?
Like many other people, we have looked into having solar panels to provide us with electricity but it was never cost effective. Now with rising energy costs, is it time to reconsider? Plus I have written to the blummin Council to see if they can organise a bulk purchase. How far have I got with this? Continue reading “Time to reconsider solar energy?”
Weekly update – stocking up and being radical
This week we’ve been to Tesco, plus home deliveries from Morrison’s and Asda, tell you why in a minute. Visited a friend and things took an unexpected and I might be turning into a radical youth group leader.
Continue reading “Weekly update – stocking up and being radical”