We might all be overshadowed by the Coronavirus, with whatever variant is lurking out there but we are determined to be positive. And we are determined to have a better Christmas this year. Continue reading “Weekly update – a better Christmas”
Weekly update – things have slipped
Things have slipped, can’t believe how long it is since my last blog post. However things are trundling along and I’m looking forward to Christmas, just like a little school kid. Even more so is looking forward to the new year. For now, these are a few jottings to cover the last few weeks. Continue reading “Weekly update – things have slipped”
Weekly update – on a different planet
While reflecting on this past week, I had a real sense of being on a different planet for some of the week. Continue reading “Weekly update – on a different planet”
Weekly update – pushing my luck
This week’s update includes an account of me pushing my luck at the hospital, starting to decorate the dining room and another family visit. Oh and did I tell you, I’m suffering withdrawal symptoms? Continue reading “Weekly update – pushing my luck”
Weekly update – when Rachel’s eyebrows going up
In my weekly update this time, I need to tell you about Rachel’s eyebrows going up – in other words we have been discussing the latest colour scheme. We have also been to see Hannah and I’m still plodding on with the Quirky Museum. Continue reading “Weekly update – when Rachel’s eyebrows going up”
Weekly update – our mixed up church life
I know, I know, I’m so late with my weekly update. I am sitting in the back of our car while Rachel is bombing down the motorway as we return my mum after her little break with us. Also I find myself reflecting on our current mixed up church life. Continue reading “Weekly update – our mixed up church life”
Our changing attitude to financial risk
At the request of our financial advisor, we completed another questionnaire about our attitude to financial risk. Things have changed since we were last assessed and it has me thinking once again. Continue reading “Our changing attitude to financial risk”