I have eluded to this before and some of our friends know a little more than others, so I though I’d bring things up to date in this weekly update. So, we’re moving – into a museum! Museum? Not exactly but that’s what it feels like. Continue reading “Weekly update – we’re moving – into a museum!”
Vagabonds, the aristocracy and ordinary people like us
Rachel always knew of some distant upper middle class ancestors. It was when her Aunt Diana died that we discovered a little more.
Continue reading “Vagabonds, the aristocracy and ordinary people like us”
Weekly update – a topsy turvy time
Such a topsy turvy time this week; already it seems hard to figure out what has happened on what day. It has been a mixture of staying with my mother-in-law, my mother staying and returning to my mother-in-law. Throw in a night under the stars and a broken freezer…. Continue reading “Weekly update – a topsy turvy time”
Weekly update – family things
Regular readers will already know how we keep a close eye on my mother-in-law, who lives just a few miles from us. We have a definite sense of needing to step up our care in her twilight years with its challenges and lighter moments. Continue reading “Weekly update – family things”
How to prepare for a second COVID-19 spike
How to prepare for a second COVID-19 spike is something we should all take seriously. While the Government might say everything is sorted in good time, I do not have complete confidence in our leaders. So here’s a few thoughts of what we are looking at. Continue reading “How to prepare for a second COVID-19 spike”
Weekly update – Rachel’s new app
A fairly ordinary week, if ever there is such a thing these days. There are signs of normality returning although we don’t want the same normal anymore. Some comical things too…. Continue reading “Weekly update – Rachel’s new app”
Homemade -v- shop mayonnaise
Now I might be a little biased here as I compare our own homemade mayonnaise with shop bought mayonnaise but please read on. Through this I am shocked at how crappy the shop bought mayonnaise really is. Continue reading “Homemade -v- shop mayonnaise”