I have resisted the temptation to ask for a valuation of our very modest investment portfolio, it might be keeping me awake at night! And yet can we simply ignore the Coronavirus effect on investments? Perhaps we can. Continue reading “Coronavirus – effect on investments”
Coronavirus lockdown begins
Hard to believe what’s happening and it’s extraordinary how or lives have changed. That’s pretty much everyone in the UK and beyond. Here in little Dunstable we are quite enjoying our adaptations so far. Continue reading “Coronavirus lockdown begins”
Weekly update – how our lives are changing
If six months ago, someone described how our world will change, it would be hard to believe. We are being told to avoid other people, keep contact to an absolute minimum and some must isolate themselves completely. Our stock markets are in free fall, people are afraid, some are dying, some in denial and some feel a sense of hopelessness. Continue reading “Weekly update – how our lives are changing”
Coronavirus begins
Just a few quick thoughts while things are fresh in my mind. I have a feeling many of us will look back on these days almost as a 9/11 moment – we will always remember this unfolding. Continue reading “Coronavirus begins”
Weekly update – the funny side of family life
I’ve mentioned before how between us we spend more time looking after my mother-in-law these days. Then a few days ago it was a question of mislaying her teeth but not before I mention yesterday’s super-motivated Rachel in action. Continue reading “Weekly update – the funny side of family life”
Surprising things about my retirement so far
Perhaps the happiest time in my life
I was 56 in July 2018 and walked out of the blummin Council for the last time and I will never forget that momentous day. Continue reading “Surprising things about my retirement so far”
Fear and greed, the market response to Coronavirus
We recently had a letter from our Independent Financial Advisors where they commented on the way the markets have reacted to the Coronavirus outbreak. Continue reading “Fear and greed, the market response to Coronavirus”