One of the nice things of being in a community of bloggers is the occasional opportunity to host a guest blog. This guest post, by Stacy B Miller is about Inflation – Does it kill your retirement savings silently? Continue reading “Guest blog – Inflation – Does it kill your retirement savings silently?”
Ups and downs at the Doctor’s
I have had a slightly trying time recently with the Doctor’s surgery and I just want to get things off my chest. Or should I say “out of my system” or even something stronger…. Continue reading “Ups and downs at the Doctor’s”
Asking our Financial Advisors if I should sell a kidney?
We have just had a visit to our Financial Advisors. While we normally see them once a year, I recently asked if we were on track with our plans or whether I should sell a kidney. Me, sell a kidney, don’t be daft. Continue reading “Asking our Financial Advisors if I should sell a kidney?”
Weekly update – ever the optimist
Allegedly this is the crappiest time of year with Blue Monday having been and gone. I couldn’t care less about Blue Monday and instead revel in my annoying optimism, so please don’t expect any apologies from me! Here’s a few things from the week just gone….. Continue reading “Weekly update – ever the optimist”
M25 frustrations
Last night was very trying for me as I yet again experienced the M25 frustrations, almost at their worst. Apart from the selfish, idiot drivers trying to barge their way in front, I found myself behaving like Mr Bean. Continue reading “M25 frustrations”
Are Critical Illness policies worth it?
Are Critical Illness policies worth it? Well, it is always worth considering how we could manage if illness unexpectedly came along. Alternatively, are these policies an insurance industry con, to frighten us into insuring ourselves against every possible scenario and having no money left for anything else? Continue reading “Are Critical Illness policies worth it?”
Weekly update – too busy to work!
With all of the to-ing and fro-ing, I wonder how I ever found the time to have a job. Seems day to day life is keeping us busy, or at least my mother-in-law is as we still visit her every day. Continue reading “Weekly update – too busy to work!”