Weekly update – the windsurfing haul

Hannah’s windsurfing bonanza
Hannah’s windsurfing bonanza

My weekly update and the windsurfing haul.  Thankfully a slightly quieter week, although we did enjoy travelling with Hannah to collect the windsurfing haul you see.  Otherwise some runs, blood tests, art, serving up 60 Sunday lunches and the like. Continue reading “Weekly update – the windsurfing haul”

Running everyday in December

December can be a beautiful month for running
December can be a beautiful month for running

It has been a few years since I’ve been crazy and antisocial enough to go running everyday in December. And yet, there are some incredible benefits which I hope to try and remember, or at least to have a go at justifying such a mad idea.  I wonder whether I can persuade anyone to join me? Continue reading “Running everyday in December”

Weekly update – even enjoying the crap weather

Me at the Parkrun uphill finish
Me at the Parkrun uphill finish

Probably an unexpected title for this post but I am indeed enjoying this crap weather.  Not so much the weather but life in general!  This week I’ve had two kidney scans, four runs, been to a charity team meeting, an art group and some socialising. Continue reading “Weekly update – even enjoying the crap weather”

Weekly update – “I missed your blog”

Percy Baden Hook“I missed your blog!” said Anthony.  I quickly explained we have had my mother come to stay for a few days and being the dutiful son, I had neglected my blog.  Rest assured, we still have a few things going on.

Continue reading “Weekly update – “I missed your blog””