Weekly update – sticky moments

Sticky moments start here.
Sticky moments start here.

In this weekly update are a few sticky moments as I navigate my way around our kitchen, aided by Delia Smith and the wonderful BBC Good Food website.  The week also included some nice runs, entertaining friends, t’was also the week that Brexit came and went.  Finally my friend Brian has sadly passed away.

Continue reading “Weekly update – sticky moments”

Weekly update – from Urology

One stop clinic
One stop clinic

I bet you’re intrigued at the title of this weekly update – from Urology.  Well, I had a 6 month check up at the Urology Department in the hospital, to make sure the plumbing is all ticketety-boo.  I think it’s as good as it is going to get but time will tell. Continue reading “Weekly update – from Urology”

Never regret going for a run

Yesterday I went for a nice 4.6 mile run.  Loved it!  Some of the time I was on a kind of autopilot, reflecting on some runs I’ve had in the past.  Some I remember well and I realised how I have never, ever regretted going for a run.  Sometimes I end up having snot all over my face, or mud, or both.  Other features include: Continue reading “Never regret going for a run”

Being poor is more expensive

Near empty fridge - this is Universal Credit
Near empty fridge – this is Universal Credit

I guess we have all heard how being poor is more expensive.  Recently I had another reminder how life seems weighted against disadvantaged people who are poor.  I have known a young adult who just seems to struggle and I worry this is getting much worse in the UK. Continue reading “Being poor is more expensive”