Today is the day, I’m retired! My escape plan has run its course, I’ve been into work and I’ve had my final meeting, handed back my ICT equipment, had a brief meeting with my manager and enjoyed a leaving ‘do’ at lunchtime. Continue reading “I’m retired!”
5 hours to go
There is just 5 hours to go until tomorrow, 26 July, which is my last day at work and the start of early retirement. Or to put it more succinctly I’ll be on FIRE – Financially Independent Retired Early. Continue reading “5 hours to go”
Am I retired or on holiday?
This weekend has been a bit weird and I just wanted to capture a few thoughts while it’s on my mind. I have a few questions on my mind: am I retired or on holiday? How am I meant to feel? Continue reading “Am I retired or on holiday?”
Last day in the office (almost)
So here we are, Friday 20th July and the last day in the office (almost). I have just about made it, next due in on Thursday 26th for a meeting which I normally chair and then my leaving ‘do’. I will also need to have a meeting with my manager to, at the very least, hand my ID card and ICT equipment back. Continue reading “Last day in the office (almost)”
Counting the days
I really am counting the days down to my retirement. This coming Friday 20th July will be my last proper day in the office.
This is followed by one more day on Thursday 26th when I am supposedly meant to chair a meeting during the morning and then handing my ICT equipment back in. Continue reading “Counting the days”
Tender family times
Aside from the hassles of work, I should not fail to record some tender family times. Family life has been a delight lately and I want to savour these important times. Continue reading “Tender family times”
Very awkward meeting
Just as Donald Trump and Theresa May have had their own very awkward meeting, I’ve had mine. Without being too political (I’ll save that for another time) I was outraged by Donald Trump talking on BBC Radio 4 as I drove to work yesterday. While I’m not really a fan of Theresa May or her current Government, I do have some real sympathy for her. Continue reading “Very awkward meeting”