Getting in the retirement mindset

autumnal landscapeEven though I have 10 or 11 weeks to go before retirement, I’m already getting in the right mindset and I LIKE THIS!  Here’s a few things going on:


This is something Rachel and I have always done quite well and we are finding that it crops up in our conversations quite regularly.  In particular: Continue reading “Getting in the retirement mindset”

Running again – after 3 weeks

Half Moon Lane
Half Moon Lane

The withdrawal symptoms can be quite profound.  Naturally I’m talking about the withdrawal symptoms from running.  Yesterday I found myself running again – after 3 weeks.  Yes, three whole weeks.  Three whole weeks.  That is longer than I have ever been without running in the last 10 plus years, since I became a proper runner. Continue reading “Running again – after 3 weeks”

Living with an indwelling catheter

Coloplast leg bag for daytime use
Coloplast leg bag for daytime use

Living with an indwelling catheter has been an unexpected experience.  Not the kind of thing you would ordinarily think of or even blog about.  This might be of interest if you have found this through Google ‘Living with an indwelling catheter’ because you have, or are about to have one. Continue reading “Living with an indwelling catheter”

Three months to go!

chocolate to celebrate
chocolate to celebrate

We really know how to celebrate in style!  Today is the day I have handed in my resignation and we decided to celebrate with a bar of chocolate.  Just three months to go!

I wrote the letter last night.  Today at work I scanned it so I could send it by email to my manager.  I left it a couple of hours before I wrote the covering email and hesitated a little more, just wanting to do the right thing.   Continue reading “Three months to go!”

An eventful return to work

Escape plan into action….

Today I had quite an eventful return to work.  It seemed ages since I was last there and I almost managed to completely forget my computer password.  I thought the welcome for me was, to be honest, a little subdued and I asked to see my manager, partly as a back-to-work interview and also to tell her of my intentions (i.e. resigning). Continue reading “An eventful return to work”

Why financial planning is important

Thought it might be worth sharing a few points here about why financial planning is important as we approach some major changes.  The changes (i.e. my escape plan) are the culmination of plans made many years ago and are now coming into effect, albeit a little sooner than we had anticipated. Having a few long term goals is a good thing to do, although at times it can become very easy to simply drift through life in a haphazard way. Continue reading “Why financial planning is important”