Becoming a FRSA

I have always clung onto my little sayings.  Believe me, I have lots of little sayings in my mind!  “Where does this lead? What’s behind this door? How can I make this better?”

It seems this irritating approach has led to me becoming a FRSA.  In plain English this stands for Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.  Or the full, slightly long-winded title is the Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures & Commerce. Let me explain the journey….

I well remember the time a certain Robert M and Rachel O’B came to see me at work.  That was in the days when many of us had our own offices and before the days of the “agile” working lark.  They explained they were Fellows of the RSA and were kicking around some ideas about a new kind of prison, having clocked the ever rising prison population and woeful reoffending rates.  “Something had to be done” they said and I wholeheartedly agreed.

That first conversation led to another and then to another.  Before I knew it I was working on this fascinating project which had me dashing around to new places and meeting a range of truly inspiring people.  They were all Fellows, and naturally I was the odd one out.

One highlight was a rather grand meal at the RSA.  It coincided with HRH The Princess Royal becoming President and the need to raise some further awareness and, it had to be said, funds.  I was one of the team, therefore it was a working meal for me.  I was placed on one of the minor tables and had the company of HRH’s lady in waiting together with a handful of well healed diners to engage in polite conversation about our project.  Ed, a prison governor had the honour of delivering an impressive speech to set the scene, followed by HRH’s address.  With others in the team we chatted to HRH afterwards and I was truly impressed by her grasp of the issue.  All in all a fascinating evening and, back in the workplace, I do remember having to enter my £600 meal in the Hospitality Register at work (needless to say this raised a few eye brows).

Again it was suggested I became a fellow and I remember declining as I didn’t have the capacity to get involved in something else.

That was then, a few years back.  I was working flat out with, in all honesty, far too much on my plate.  Now it is different; recently I had coffee with Phillip E in London and we touched on the RSA.  Before I knew it I was nominated and in.

The RSA strap line is the home of enlightened thinking and through the worldwide network of fellows, many of the tricky areas of society area tackled.  It’s almost a cross between a think tank, a bunch of fairly liberal, imaginative thinkers and ever hopeful dreamers. You can guess which ones I identify with.

So there we are.  I think it is one of those situations where “the more you put in, the more you get out” which is another of my annoying little sayings.  I can’t wait to get involved!  I have yet to post my online “profile” but I already recognise a few names there.

So let’s just see where this goes!

3 thoughts on “Becoming a FRSA”

  1. Good morning to you all,
    Please I am interested in joining RSA as a fellow. Kindly let me know what I need to do to apply for FRSA.

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