Having to wear glasses

I really, really, really hate having to wear glasses.  I only wear them for close-up things, such as reading or using a computer and yet I still loathe them.  I’ve had glasses for this purpose for, I think, about 12+ years.  This is how it came about…..

Well I remember having to strain at small print and the optician saying it was a sign of middle age, therefore glasses were needed.  It wasn’t having to wear glasses that upset me, it was being told I was middle age.  At that point I was in my mid forties, losing weight and getting really fit, feeling very healthy and young at heart.  Therefore the prospect of wearing glasses was not on my agenda.  Not one bit.  As for the middle aged label, no way!

They said the strength of the lenses would gradually increase over the years and then level off.  This has proved to be true.  What seems to be next on the agenda are glasses for long distance vision, such as driving and the like.  That isn’t on my agenda either but I can feel it is probably inevitable.  I’m not sure this is a comfortable thought.

And then there is the cost

As I don’t wear glasses all the time, I normally have a pair stuffed into my trouser pocket.  This is all very well but in my early days of being a spectacle wearer I managed to lose quite a few pairs, each costing £40 to £75.  Other times they would break through sitting on them or get too twisted or flattened.  Even though I take much better care of them, I know they still fit me very well, mostly through being distorted through misuse.

The most expensive pair I lost cost me £175.  They were meant to be indestructible and they probably were but having them fall out of the side pocket on my cycling jacket.  I had some explaining to do at home on that day.

So, we are both off to the opticians soon

I suspect I’ll end up with some “distance” lenses.  Now does that mean I have a new pair of glasses for driving, watching TV etc, alongside my existing ones for reading?

Alternatively I could end up up with bifocals and that might mean I’ll be wearing glasses all the time, not sure I’m ready for this.  Definitely, definitely not!

The challenge!

Given the chance, I would love to try out some more robust glasses.  They still have to look alright, nothing too heavy duty or to have an industrial look.  Any spectacle suppliers out there who would like me to write a review on some??…

2 thoughts on “Having to wear glasses”

  1. I have three identical pairs of reading glasses: living room, office and car. And two pairs of long-distance. Both those live in the car. One pair tinted, one clear with anti-glare coating, which I recommend for night-time driving.

    I wore glasses from age six to mid-20s, when I adopted contact lenses. Had laser corrective surgery in my late 30s which was great, but the improvement only really lasted 10 years before I needed reading glasses. Could have the surgery again, but expensive.

    1. I never knew that, in all the time I’ve known you! With surgery, yes I suppose it does correct your vision at the time but it doesn’t stop your eyes ageing and the need for further surgery later on.

      Mind you, I depend on one “good” eye and my brain mostly disregards the other, so perhaps it would be half the cost for me?

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