My weekly update includes back to being arty – and I can tell you it feels good! Also we paid a visit to our newly married daughter and her husband , plus our younger daughter returned to college.
I couldn’t believe how rusty I’d become through not doing any art over the summer. On the Tuesday morning art group at our local church church I produced the drawing above. It reflects my liking of people.
Hannah has returned to college once again. She has decided to add to her outdoorsy education and build further on her work experience so far. Although we are well practiced at this, we nevertheless have a sense of the empty nest feeling once again.
Last weekend we paid Becky and David a visit in Exeter. Hard to believe they have only been married for a month, how time flies. It was lovely to see them in their new house and, for me especially, a chance to see them in their new church setting.
As it happened, Hannah stayed with them (complete with Poppy the dog) while Rachel and I stayed with my Mum in Weston-Super-Mare. Mum came with us for the visit and this was the first she had seen of the new house.

The visit brought back memories of when we got married ourselves and that golden time of establishing our own lives as a married couple. Suffice to say they’re still learning! Come to think of it, we are still learning ourselves….
As a personal victory, I managed a few good runs during the week, even one at Weston before Saturday morning breakfast. I am so thankful as I don’t feel particularly fatigued, other than what you’d expect. The fatigue I have felt before is almost certainly linked to creaky kidneys and, as it happens, I am seeing the nice kidney specialist at the hospital very soon and I’ll be discussing this with him then. I’m looking forward to that.
One of my friends had his 60th birthday. The celebration took the form of a group of 12 surprising him at a quiet meal in a restaurant. All good fun!
There is definitely a sense of changing seasons going on. Rachel normally takes a little longer to make the adjustment and this is fine. Our biggest task in the home is currently dealing with STUFF which still remains here and hasn’t yet made its way down to Exeter. This will, of course, resolve itself but these things do take some time.
Finally, Brexit. Again.
I can’t help but feel slightly nervous at the vagueness of this Government sign currently on many of our motorways. The astonishing saga continues to unfold, each day there seems to be another gaff hitting the news. I feel embarrassed being British.