Weekly update – sleet, snow and snot rockets

Long Lane, Toddington
Long Lane, Toddington

The cheery title of sleet, snow and snot rockets refers to running, nothing about terrible afflictions.  I can tell you, it is cheery!  Also in this update, a little about a quandary over church, health and the latest in the Dusty Museum.


Since New Year I have been having a few tentative runs each week, so far so good.  “Good” being the apt term for overcoming the dreaded plantar fasciitis which plagued me last year and stopped me running for three months.  Three whole months; I hated having to do that.  Now I’m feeling 95% better and also thankful as one of my friends told me it took him 18 months to shake his plantar off, so perhaps I have escaped lightly.  I have had a few running injuries over the years, all have been pretty trivial until this dose of plantar.

Runs started off being about 2 miles, which I know isn’t that much.  But two miles non-stop ain’t bad for a 59 year old, perhaps?  Anyway, I have had 2-3 runs each week and I’m now up to 4 miles, which feels absolutely fab!

Mind you, the weather is pretty dull, drab and grey, with some sleet and snow, not to mention the flippin cold.  Not that that worries me much as even I get surprisingly warm after a few minutes.  When I started running I hated hills and gradually I came to like running up them, often seeking out a hilly route.  Now we live in a village on the top of a hill I don’t have much choice.  At least it does my heart good when I have a few minutes of sky high cardio.

Talking of crap weather, I got reminded how I would sometimes go for a run after work, when I worked in Stevenage.  One particular day had been very, very difficult for me.  Felling so stressed out, the last thing I wanted to do was drive home with all of the angst whirling in my mind.  So I changed into my running gear and ran as fast as I could.  I did 5 miles in freezing drizzle – it seemed horrible when I set out but I grew to love it.  In a weird kind of way, I needed a horrible, hard, painful run to deal with the crappy meetings I’d been in.  It worked.  I had a brilliant run, drove home feeling like I’d won.  These days I am spared from those stressful times, but sometimes I still value a hard run in horrible weather – so I’m looking forward to my fitness improving even more!


At our church in Dunstable, we have Home Groups and naturally these are all on Zoom these days.  The idea is a small group of people can study together, as well as chat and pray, thus deepening lovely relationships with each other.  They are all led by a specially selected leader (we don’t get to choose the group or the leader) and the subject, with questions, are all set by a pastor, so everyone covers the same.  I am always incredibly frustrated by this.

Anyway, I had a bit of a rant last Tuesday, although it was more of a reaction to church in general, not the poor ol’ Home Group leader (who actually is a very nice chap who we genuinely like).  Thing is, we are frequently reminded about our broken, sinful world and how we have collectively rebelled against God.  This is beginning to wear me down but I do get it, and have done so for many years.  It wears me down because I’m naturally optimistic and I always try to look on the bright side of things.

So in my rant, I asked why we don’t focus more on God’s amazing creation – our beautiful planet and how we can marvel at it and better care for it?  How about the amazing humanitarian things people do?  How can we express our faith in more positive, practical ways?  How about the wonderful way in which God moves in people’s lives?

People were a bit unsure of what to say in response to my rant, although there was a good dollop of graciousness shown in the closing prayer about helping us all in our personal faith.

Where this takes me – and Rachel – is something we do not know but I am feeling stronger having had a rant, although I am sorry if it wasn’t what people were hoping to hear from me!


Very pleased to report some good news.  When I had my last consultation regarding my kidneys, we got talking about me feeling cold once again.  Various theories have been mooted – possible lack of iron (no) possible low thyroid levels (no) and possible Rachel’s own thermostat being to blame (NO!).  So some further blood tests were ordered and I actually got chased by one of the renal secretaries.  Now I can’t quite remember what I was being tested for but the bottom line is that is was normal, or near enough.

Also the other good news is that my overall kidney function has improved.  While this is great, I asked why this could happen, what could have changed, apart from moving to the Dusty Museum?  The consultant didn’t know, other than suggesting “it happens, natural fluctuations”.

What I think I need to concern myself with is my heart.  Upon reading about dodgy kidneys, it seems patients are more likely to die from heart related problems instead of kidney failure.  On one hand I must be a prime candidate – age, high blood pressure and so on.  On the other hand, it is something I can do something about…. keeping active, keeping my blood circulating around to all those little, tiny capillaries and raising my heart rate every day.

Oh apparently my cholesterol has gone up.  Always used to be 5 or under.  Now it is 6.1 and probably attributed to too much cheese!  I dare say running more and eating a little less cheese should bring it back to where it should be, although if I need statins, so be it.

And finally

This might well be the coldest, most horrible time in the year, we can also get some amazing skies, sights that are full of hope and wonder.  Let’s hope the year ahead continues to be so positive!

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