God why are you doing this to me?

God why are you doing this to me?
God why are you doing this to me?

With my early retirement fast approaching, I have found myself becoming excited about the future – my escape plan is well underway, I’m counting the days down and I guess I’ll soon be a member of the FIRE club (Financially Independent, Retired Early).  After all, you might have picked up already how I’m a naturally optimistic person; I always look on the bright side of things, always looking forward to the future. Continue reading “God why are you doing this to me?”

Guest post – not retiring, more like rewiring

Stephen Marsden
Stephen Marsden

Recently I had the honour of meeting Stephen Marsden while we were visiting Hannah in North Wales.  Quickly it seemed we were on the same wave length in a number of different ways, although Stephen is a few steps ahead of me in terms of retirement.   Continue reading “Guest post – not retiring, more like rewiring”

Getting in the retirement mindset

autumnal landscapeEven though I have 10 or 11 weeks to go before retirement, I’m already getting in the right mindset and I LIKE THIS!  Here’s a few things going on:


This is something Rachel and I have always done quite well and we are finding that it crops up in our conversations quite regularly.  In particular: Continue reading “Getting in the retirement mindset”