God why are you doing this to me?

God why are you doing this to me?
God why are you doing this to me?

With my early retirement fast approaching, I have found myself becoming excited about the future – my escape plan is well underway, I’m counting the days down and I guess I’ll soon be a member of the FIRE club (Financially Independent, Retired Early).  After all, you might have picked up already how I’m a naturally optimistic person; I always look on the bright side of things, always looking forward to the future.

So many things are exciting me.  The things I will have the time to do, the places we can see without having to rush, our marriage will be enhanced with more time for each other, being a better friend, our house is due for some improvements and I would like to learn a few new things.  Actually there’s a more comprehensive list on this post.

And yet I have found myself stepping back from the situation and thanking God for such a wonderful blessing.  I do feel very privileged.  I ask “God why are you doing this to me?”. I don’t really know the answer, other than knowing I have to trust God on this.

Sometimes I have heard people ask the same kind of question, why is this happening to me?  Whenever I have heard this, it has always been because of some disastrous situation and the question will either be asked in a rhetorical way or seriously seeking to know the answer.  As a Christian I know that God sometimes does things to test his people, or to allow something to happen in order to focus their attention, trust him and grow through the experience.  That’s certainly happened to me in the past.  And yet now this early retirement is about to take place, I find myself asking that very question…God, why are you doing this to me?

I don’t know the answer but I increasingly find myself asking the question.  Some of the future blog posts will hopefully start to explain and unravel this question….

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