Wedding speech

Becky and myself as we started walking up the aisle
Becky and myself as we started walking up the aisle

I thought I’d quickly jot my father-of-the-bride wedding speech while I still have it in mind and also through the prompt from a blog reader, Caree Risover.  The wedding was at our church in Dunstable and the reception venue was Tilsworth, in rural Bedfordshire; a “stretch tent” had been hired for this part of the proceedings alongside the village hall.  It was an open-sided tent which made things interesting on such a breezy day! Continue reading “Wedding speech”

Wedding countdown and which colour shirt?

Which colour shirt for a wedding?
Which colour shirt for a wedding?

This time next week my eldest daughter, Becky, will be married.  For now we are in the final countdown. This has been in the pipeline for a long time now and we are all looking forward to it immensely. There are, however, just a few little loose ends around. Continue reading “Wedding countdown and which colour shirt?”