Everything’s falling into place for Christmas

Heaps of outdoor gear in the hallwayThankfully everything’s falling into place for Christmas.  The Christmas tree is up in the sitting room and odd bits of tinsel through the house.  Everyday the postman brings a few more Christmas cards which we open eagerly looking for newsy news from our friends and far flung relations.  Our two girls are now home, almost. Continue reading “Everything’s falling into place for Christmas”

My DIY mojo

Replacing a bathroom radiator Lately my DIY mojo has dipped and this has occurred at a less than ideal time but our friend Clive has rescued us.  Recently we had a little flood in our bathroom (you’ll need to ask Rachel about that!) and this has necessitated the need for a makeover in our bathroom.  I’m not feeling as confident as usual when it comes to DIY but I’m sure I’ll snap out of this soon.
Continue reading “My DIY mojo”

At the going down of the sun – exhibition

at the going down of the sun exhibition
at the going down of the sun exhibition

My elderly mother, well into her 80s, has been contributing to the ‘at the going down of the sun’ exhibition, currently on display at Bristol cathedral.  A few days ago I had the opportunity to visit the exhibition with my mother. Continue reading “At the going down of the sun – exhibition”

Arthur Royston Parker and his feet

Shoe last of Arthur Royston Parker
Shoe last of Arthur Royston Parker

The interesting tale of Arthur Royston Parker and his feet.  To my wife Rachel, her Uncle Arthur was always an interesting figure, although strictly speaking he was her Great Uncle.  She remembers him from her childhood days and he was always very generous towards her.  I am posting this for two reasons: firstly for the benefit of anyone searching for details on the internet for Arthur Royston Parker and secondly, to share something of our latest declutttering in our FIRE lifestyle. Continue reading “Arthur Royston Parker and his feet”