Our good friend Beryl recently paid us a visit and we got into a conversation about retirement. It was really helpful for me at this stage as, when I asked her for her “tips” it didn’t necessarily go the way I thought it would. Continue reading “Conversation about retirement”
Category: health
Health news
Most of the time when I write here, I’m writing to the wider blog reading audience. For this post, I’m writing mostly to myself, as a kind of journal entry. Yesterday and today I had some health news and I wanted to jot down a few thoughts while it is fresh in my mind. Continue reading “Health news”
The quickest of blogging updates
I seem to be as busy as ever so this is the quickest of blogging updates; normal service should resume soon! Quite a few things have been demanding my time over the last couple of weeks. All pretty positive but have all combined to distract me away from the keyboard. Broadly, they are: Continue reading “The quickest of blogging updates”
Blocked catheter
This is the second time I’ve had a blocked catheter. The above photo was taken this morning, after the blockage was dealt with. Clearly there’s something going on. Continue reading “Blocked catheter”
Exercising with a catheter
I know the thought of exercising with a catheter is a pretty weird, unappealing and obscure topic but definitely worth mentioning at this stage. Sorry if you’re one of my friends catching up with me! Continue reading “Exercising with a catheter”
The best and worst of the NHS
This week has been extraordinary in experiencing what could be the best and worst of the NHS. So, getting straight in…..
The worst
As I was discharged from hospital, I was told my prostate operation would be done as a matter of urgency. Continue reading “The best and worst of the NHS”
Meeting the kidney specialist again
My much anticipated meeting the kidney specialist took place this evening; I had been looking forward to this so much! Having an evening appointment was great for me as I didn’t have to take time off work. Continue reading “Meeting the kidney specialist again”