
With all of the misguided meddling in the economy by Liz Truss and her Chancellor side kick Kwasi Kwateng, I thought I might like to say how I would play things and how I’d rescue the UK using my ‘back of an envelope’ approach and tell you about my own Dougonomics.  Whether Kwasi’s successor (currently Jeremy Hunt) would agree is another matter! Continue reading “Doug-onomics”

Weekly update – wading into local politics

Polling station in DunstableYes, I have been wading into local politics but rest assured I’m not standing for election.  I will tell you the latest in the Toddington People project comings and goings and, in all other ways, this week has been delightfully normal. Continue reading “Weekly update – wading into local politics”

Being a counting assistant – things to love and loathe

Yet again Rachel and I have been counting assistants at the blummin Council.  This time it was for the Police & Crime Commissioner election, together with a little parish election and an even smaller referendum on a local matter.  Totally tedious but we find a few things to smile at…. Continue reading “Being a counting assistant – things to love and loathe”

Mass early retirement – solution for Rishi Sunak?

I heard an interesting idea on the radio and I thought it was worth a mention.  It really fits with my belief of early retirement being a good thing to plan for, if that’s what you would like to do.  This idea, could be a neat way of helping the economy in a post COVID world. Continue reading “Mass early retirement – solution for Rishi Sunak?”

When all this is over

God why is this happening?
God why is this happening?

How many times have you heard someone say “when all this is over….” and then go on to say how things need to change?  I certainly have and I hope you have as well, whoever you are.  You might be one of my friends reading this (thanks guys!) or perhaps a stranger dropping in from the other side of the world. Continue reading “When all this is over”