Weekly update – a little glum, chum?

It might be a case of feeling a little gum, chum?  Alternatively, is my annoyingly bouncy optimism going to shine through?  Yes, I think so.  Here’s what’s going on…..

The week has been dominated by a couple of things.

Firstly Rachel is still coming to terms with losing her mum.   As usual when things are tough and fraught, she is often found being ultra-focused at her laptop and can be heard tip-tappeting away with papers everywhere.

Through this she’s been super-busy.  Spoken to solicitor?  Check.  Funeral Director engaged? Check.  Death certificates?  Check.  Notice for local newspaper?  Check.  Chat to Rector? Check.  Choose crematorium? Check.  Order of service, hymns, readings and so on? Check.

Despite the busyness it is, understandably, a distressing and upsetting time.  I’m sure you’ll understand and of course, it can so often be a lengthy process.  We are in a kind of limbo, between passing away and the funeral.  And yet a time of reflection and healing for us.

Myself, I have tried to be the dutiful husband.  Supplying cups of tea and plenty of “patiently absorbing” as we tend to say.

Aside from the endless cups of tea, I have been trying to make progress with the decorating of the hall, stairs and landing here in the Dusty Museum.  Now I have mentioned this marathon effort before and it is proving to be a longer job than I originally thought.  To try and make things more manageable, I thought I’d concentrate on the landing – to get this all nicely painted before anymore undercoating downstairs.

In spite of breaking the job down in phases, it is still daunting.  Previously the walls were wallpapered, probably in the 1980s.  I have decided to paint over the wall paper, again to make it a little more manageable but this has now exposed all the imperfections which were disguised by the [then] trendy shades of brown with it’s subtle pattern.  I am going to patch it up as best I can but I was hoping for something more of a “wow” factor.

And then there is the colour scheme.  Rachel has asked for a plain colour scheme.  White ceilings and a near-white paint for the walls.  For the woodwork there is a hessian colour and also a faint grey, which I think will work okay.  Having the white walls is giving a bit of a tardis effect as you walk up the stairs (and perfect for some amazing photographs and/or art – yay!!!!!!!!!!).

I try to console myself that, when decorating, things have to become worse before they get better.  Unfortunately it seems the former stage is dragging somewhat.  I can see the walls will need THREE coats of paint in order to do it’s job.  Even after two coats, I can still detect a little unevenness in spite of using a ‘trade’ paint which normally covers very well indeed.  Here’s a photo on the landing to show the ‘getting worse’ phase.

At least while I’m working I can have the radio on, with BBC Radio 4 being my number one choice.  Am I the only bloke to enjoys Women’s Hour?  It is a little like reading a newspaper, getting a glimpse into what’s going on out there; an important thing to do in these difficult times.  I am astonished (and yet it doesn’t seem that surprising) the turmoil in America and yet encouraged by the desire of Congress to get rid of Trump once and for all.  I’ve never understood how they could allow someone like that rise to power; is that the best America can come up with?

And then our own country.  So much talent, skill and wisdom amongst many and yet we are led by politicians who dither, feel afraid to be radical and more concerned by looking good and gaining favour from journalists.

We are in tough times.  Arguably we have the government we have voted for, not the government we need.  In my naive optimism, I long for a faithful leader to emerge; a man, or a woman, who has those real leadership qualities – visionary, with integrity, from humble beginnings, to have the greater good at heart, to be generous and compassionate, to be strong, courageous and decisive, able bring people together (as a population and government itself), will be internationally respected and a peacemaker.

Boris Johnson?  Not in a million years.  Sir Keir Starmer?  I wonder.  Someone else?  Who?

For myself, I can’t be anything else than have a hopeful look towards the future.  Tough times for sure, we are being tested but I trust for a brighter future.  I have so much to be thankful for and perhaps I need times like this to refocus my outlook on things.  Whatever, that inherent optimism always shines through.

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