It might be a case of feeling a little gum, chum? Alternatively, is my annoyingly bouncy optimism going to shine through? Yes, I think so. Here’s what’s going on….. Continue reading “Weekly update – a little glum, chum?”
Category: politics
When all this is over
How many times have you heard someone say “when all this is over….” and then go on to say how things need to change? I certainly have and I hope you have as well, whoever you are. You might be one of my friends reading this (thanks guys!) or perhaps a stranger dropping in from the other side of the world. Continue reading “When all this is over”
Weekly update – regretting Brexit
When people comment on how Brexit has divided families, communities, political parties and so on, I think there is much truth in that. Perhaps when our idiot Prime Minister talks about putting that behind us and moving ahead together, he has arguably made a good point. Continue reading “Weekly update – regretting Brexit”
Weekly update – an election and a family gathering
Again lots happening, just the way I like it. We have of course had the general election and I assisted with counting the votes yet again. We also had a little Christmas with Becky and David joining us for the weekend. Hannah was home from college and we all wore silly hats. Continue reading “Weekly update – an election and a family gathering”
Weekly update – “I missed your blog”
“I missed your blog!” said Anthony. I quickly explained we have had my mother come to stay for a few days and being the dutiful son, I had neglected my blog. Rest assured, we still have a few things going on.
Weekly update – sticky moments
In this weekly update are a few sticky moments as I navigate my way around our kitchen, aided by Delia Smith and the wonderful BBC Good Food website. The week also included some nice runs, entertaining friends, t’was also the week that Brexit came and went. Finally my friend Brian has sadly passed away.
Being poor is more expensive
I guess we have all heard how being poor is more expensive. Recently I had another reminder how life seems weighted against disadvantaged people who are poor. I have known a young adult who just seems to struggle and I worry this is getting much worse in the UK. Continue reading “Being poor is more expensive”