Yep, the quickest of updates! Continue reading “The quickest of updates”
Weekly update – being a statistic
I suppose we are all statistics, one way or another. For myself, being a statistic this week is all about Covid. While I do feel pretty grotty, even now, there is a ray of hope in another statistic. Continue reading “Weekly update – being a statistic”
Covid day 5 – how am I doing?
Covid day 5 and how am I doing? The quick answer is pretty darn good. Although I have felt pretty grotty, there are some lighter sides to all this. Continue reading “Covid day 5 – how am I doing?”
Weekly update – buminess
Buminess. I suppose it had to happen, sooner or later. Although it has taken me by surprise, it’s not such a bad time of year for it. As I uploaded my LFT result, I realised I was adding myself to the troubling statistics. All this means, I have Covid. Continue reading “Weekly update – buminess”
New York conversations – Trevor the billion dollar apartment dresser
Many of my New York conversations are still in my head and I need to get them posted! The latest is with Trevor, the billion dollar apartment dresser. I have changed his name, in case his employer ever gets to read this. Continue reading “New York conversations – Trevor the billion dollar apartment dresser”
Weekly update – being a nerd sounds so nice
A lovely week and one where I’m beginning to think being a nerd sounds so attractive. Would be, if I were a nerd. In other news, those creepy mannequins have been giving me even more creepy moments and I’m feeling slightly nervous about my debut as the chair of a local charity. I’ve also been running on my own. Continue reading “Weekly update – being a nerd sounds so nice”
New York conversations – the attorneys
The latest recollection in my New York conversation was with an attorney; a lawyer. Actually there were two attorneys and two conversations. Here goes. Continue reading “New York conversations – the attorneys”