Wedding countdown and which colour shirt?

Which colour shirt for a wedding?
Which colour shirt for a wedding?

This time next week my eldest daughter, Becky, will be married.  For now we are in the final countdown. This has been in the pipeline for a long time now and we are all looking forward to it immensely. There are, however, just a few little loose ends around. Continue reading “Wedding countdown and which colour shirt?”

One proud Dad, but is university worth the cost?

Graduation at Exeter University

Like thousands of other parents at this time of year, I feel immensely proud of our children.  This week we have had the pleasure seeing Becky graduate from university with her BSc degree in Mathematics.  Beneath the emotions and feelings of achievement and pride, we have other things to weigh up such as the cost; is it really worth it? Continue reading “One proud Dad, but is university worth the cost?”