My holmium laser enucleation of the prostate (HoLEP) experience

Thought it might be helpful for some men out there to know about my holmium laser enucleation of the prostate (HoLEP) experience.  There is little on the web of the patient’s experience, just medical leaflets which although helpful, lack the personal experience.  Apologies to my friends and regular blog readers, maybe skip this post completely unless you’re particularly interested. Continue reading “My holmium laser enucleation of the prostate (HoLEP) experience”

Tales from the Court room – nearly in the dock!

This is my next tale from the Court room – nearly in the dock!

It was a nice spring morning when I caused a bit of a rumpus over in Ledbury Magistrates Court.  All unexpected, unplanned with huge embarrassment and a close shave for me. Continue reading “Tales from the Court room – nearly in the dock!”

Tales from the Court room

Slammer Prison Iron Door Prison Cell Cell
Royalty free from Max Pixel

The other day I was reflecting on some of the daft situations I sometimes found myself in as an Officer working for the Probation Service.  Virtually all of the daft situations were from Court.  I might post some of these tales from the Court room, starting off with this one from Hereford Magistrates Court in the early 1990s. Continue reading “Tales from the Court room”

Starting to feel I’m back at work

There are a few things going on which are starting to make me feel as if I’m starting to feel I’m back at work.  This is not what retirement is meant to be about, or perhaps it is?  The little YouTube clip of Yes Minister reminds me of my time in Probation so much and besides, it’s classic British comedy which I love. Continue reading “Starting to feel I’m back at work”