Very awkward meeting

A very awkward meeting
A very awkward meeting

Just as Donald Trump and Theresa May have had their own very awkward meeting, I’ve had mine.  Without being too political (I’ll save that for another time) I was outraged by Donald Trump talking on BBC Radio 4 as I drove to work yesterday.  While I’m not really a fan of Theresa May or her current Government, I do have some real sympathy for her. Continue reading “Very awkward meeting”

God why are you doing this to me?

God why are you doing this to me?
God why are you doing this to me?

With my early retirement fast approaching, I have found myself becoming excited about the future – my escape plan is well underway, I’m counting the days down and I guess I’ll soon be a member of the FIRE club (Financially Independent, Retired Early).  After all, you might have picked up already how I’m a naturally optimistic person; I always look on the bright side of things, always looking forward to the future. Continue reading “God why are you doing this to me?”