Home from hospital

Our back garden
Our back garden

I can’t tell you enough how wonderful it is to be home from hospital.  Eventually I was discharged on Tuesday afternoon after quite a lot of waiting and being a “patient patient”.

While I was waiting, I took the opportunity to walk up and down the corridor outside the little bay where my bed was .  Some of the nursing staff commented how I was doing the right thing, apparently far too many patients stay in bed unnecessarily and convince themselves they are more ill than they really are. Continue reading “Home from hospital”

Discharge confusion continues

Following on from yesterday’s delayed discharge, I have been moved. There I was at 5:00am enjoying being fast asleep and I was abruptly woken up.  Reminds me of prisoners telling me about their “ghosting out” experiences where they were bundled into a prison van and transferred elsewhere when it was least expected. Continue reading “Discharge confusion continues”

Flip I’m in hospital!

My lovely clear urine sample
My lovely clear urine sample

There is a real irony to this maturing well blog as all of a sudden, flip I’m in hospital!  This has taken me completely by surprise, especially as I’ve made it this far in life without ever having to stay in hospital. So I’m typing this from my hospital bed, on my iPhone, so perhaps a little clumsy.

Continue reading “Flip I’m in hospital!”