Weekly update – running late!

David, Becky, Hannah, Rachel and myself

“I’m late, I’m late, I’m late for a very important date” – or so the ditty goes.  At least I can blame my tardiness on the Easter bank holidays in running late.  We have had another busy week, even though I’m always disorientated by the bank holidays.  Here’s a quick run down on what’s been going’ on….. Continue reading “Weekly update – running late!”

Weekly update – settling into village life

Yesterday Rachel and I volunteered to be car parking stewards at our local medical centre, all to do with the Coronavirus vaccines.  We have had an electrical shock and I’m running again. Continue reading “Weekly update – settling into village life”

Weekly update – oh bumminess – tier 4

Yes definitely a case of “oh bumminess” as we are now in tier 4, meaning we are (in all but name) in Lockdown once again.  While we absorb this latest news, here we are in the middle of the winter, actually a very joyful time of year. Continue reading “Weekly update – oh bumminess – tier 4”

Weekly update – Grandma, the dusty museum and the strain is showing

The Dusty Museum
The Dusty Museum

It is hard to believe how almost three months have passed by since we were jolted and moved to the dusty museum.  I look at the museum and question whether we did the right thing and then, in a flash, the answer is yes, we did.  However, it is not without cost, strain and some stress. Continue reading “Weekly update – Grandma, the dusty museum and the strain is showing”